


High sodium diet: 11 ways it can take a toll on your health!

New Delhi, June 7 -- Have you ever wondered why your body needs sodium? Well, salt, or sodium chloride, is composed of about 40 percent sodium and 60 percent chloride. It enhances food flavour and act... Read More

Why should you run every day? 11 health benefits of running

New Delhi, June 5 -- There are tons of reasons to lift weights, but it is not always necessary to hit the gym and work on machines to keep yourself fit. Many exercises offer similar or even greater be... Read More

Jumping rope vs running: Which is better for weight loss?

New Delhi, June 4 -- Both running and jumping rope are part of cardiovascular exercises, as these exercises elevate heart rate, burn calories, manage weight, and prevent heart disease. Among the myria... Read More

Can milk trigger acid reflux?

New Delhi, June 3 -- Acid reflux is one of the most common digestive issues that people face nowadays. From consuming oily and fried foods to obesity, many causes can lead to acid reflux. Many believe... Read More

Severe menstrual cramps are not normal! Know 9 reasons why it happens

New Delhi, June 2 -- Menstrual cramps are an inevitable part of womanhood. Every woman who menstruates experiences period pain to some extent. But for some, it is more than just a discomfort. Severe m... Read More

Bael juice recipe: Beat the heat with this refreshing drink in summer

New Delhi, June 1 -- Nothing beats the heat like a refreshing drink in summer. Bael juice has been getting much more attention and for all good reasons.Bael juice, made from the pulp of the bael fruit... Read More

Squat vs deadlift: Which one is a better exercise for strength?

New Delhi, May 31 -- Squats and deadlifts are two of the most popular exercises in strength training. Both target major muscle groups and are essential for building strength, muscle mass, and improvin... Read More

7 reasons why you need to load up on antioxidants ASAP!

New Delhi, May 30 -- The healthy food we eat contains essential nutrients, which are substances the body requires to perform various functions. Since the body cannot produce these nutrients on its own... Read More

7 reasons to stop eating instant noodles every day!

New Delhi, May 29 -- Instant noodles are very popular, thanks to their savoury taste and quick preparation. However, despite their widespread love, instant noodles are not aligned with a healthy diet.... Read More

Want to breathe better? Avoid these 5 bad breathing habits

New Delhi, May 27 -- Breathing is the rhythmical process of inhaling air (oxygen) and exhaling carbon dioxide from the lungs. This exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is called respiration, which is... Read More